Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Compost Tea

We have had so much rain, we don’t remember how long the compost has been in our wheel barrel waiting to be used.  The good news: We have a wheel barrow full of compost tea. (We weren't intentionally making it.)

What is compost tea?
It is a liquid fertilizer that is simple to make. 

How To Make Compost Tea:
Ingredients: compost and rainwater and a container to hold it all (wheel barrow)
Wheel Barrow Compost Tea

Put compost in the wheel barrow. 
Let rain collect in the wheel barrow. 
Allow the mixture to marinate.
Collect the water by being eco-friendly and reuse milk and juice jugs.  
Water your plants like normal using the compost tea.

Searching on the web, you will find many different ways to make compost tea.  Some articles we have read advise to use the compost tea right away or within a few hours.  We have used ours several days later and have not had any adverse reactions.

Take note of your plants health.  
Please send us feedback letting us know how the Compost Tea worked for your plants.
We’d love to hear from you!

Sunday, July 20, 2014


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Ten Mistakes New Herb Gardeners Make (and How to Avoid Them!) - http://pinterest.com/pin/32158584814464868/?utm_source=android_share


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Container Garden

Here are 5 container gardening mistakes to avoid. - http://pinterest.com/pin/447052700484050287/?utm_source=android_share

Rain Barrels

How to keep mosquitoes out of your rain barrels - http://pinterest.com/pin/134263632612189450/?utm_source=android_share

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30 creative garden containers - http://pinterest.com/pin/268879040228399899/?utm_source=android_share

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DIY Soil Testing - texture, as well as its other properties, is a critical step to a healthy garden. - http://pinterest.com/pin/82472236898971827/?utm_source=android_share

Disease Prevention for your Garden

Cinnamon to Treat Prevent Damping Off Diseases - http://pinterest.com/pin/101119954108808270/?utm_source=android_share
Self-Watering Hanging Basket - http://pinterest.com/pin/101119954108808275/?utm_source=android_share

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Garden Spiral

How to Create a Small Vegetable Garden Using a Garden Spiral - http://pinterest.com/pin/175640454191919482/?utm_source=android_share

Raised Garden Beds

Raised-bed vegetable garden - http://pinterest.com/pin/259308891018536396/?utm_source=android_share

Vegetable Garden

Vegetable Garden - http://pinterest.com/pin/1900024812735463/?utm_source=android_share

Vegetable Growing Guide

A Vegetable Growing Guide - http://pinterest.com/pin/63191200996454264/?utm_source=android_share

When To Grow Vegetables

When to grow vegetables - http://pinterest.com/pin/21532904443684020/?utm_source=android_share

More Vegetable Garden

vegetable garden - http://pinterest.com/pin/273875221063607544/?utm_source=android_share

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Basil Oil Recipe

Basil Oil Recipe

For those of you who like to drink wine, here is a recipe for French bread dipping oil using fresh basil from your garden:

You’ll need:
Oil Dispenser (I bought our oil dispensers at Dollar Tree.)
A good Olive Oil
Freshly Ground Black Pepper to your liking
Fresh Basil Leaves
A pinch of Sea Salt 

Homemade Basil Oil

Add the freshly ground black pepper, sea salt, basil leaves and olive oil into the dispenser.
Refrigerate for approximately a week allowing everything to infuse.
Pour into a ramekin and enjoy.