Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Recycle Newspaper into Starter Pots

Finished with your morning newspaper?

Got sales papers laying around?

Why not recycle your old newspapers into starter pots?
It's free and easy to do.

Here's how:

Take a full page newspaper.  
 Cut it down the middle at the fold.
Fold the paper in half.
Now fold this half in half again.

Fold in corner on the closed side.

Fold in the other corner.

Keeping the corners folded, take part of the bottom and fold it up to the bottom of the corners.
Then take the folded bottom  and fold it over the bottom of the corners.

Keeping it folded, flip the paper over.

Fold one side toward the middle.

Fold the other side toward the middle. 
Now fold the bottom towards the top.
Tuck the bottom into the folded area.

Should look like this so far. 

Fold the top (pointy part) towards the bottom. Should look like an envelope.

Taking the point, fold it to the top corner. 

While still fold, make a crease at the top.

Pop open the paper. 

The pot should be square with a flap.

Get your glue stick and glue the bottom flap down. 

Flip it over and now you have a free biodegradable starter pot! 
Join us next week when we talk about germinating seeds!

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